Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

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Can Alfred work without Spotlight enabled?

Alfred relies on the same macOS metadata index as Spotlight. As such, it's important for you to let Spotlight run on your Mac to maintain an index of the files on it.


Tagging Files in macOS

You can add Tags or Spotlight Comments to help you search for files based on these tags.


Removing node_modules files from Alfred's results

To reliably ignore node_modules files, they should be added to Spotlight Privacy.


Troubleshooting File Indexing Issues

If Alfred can't find the files you're looking for, take a look at these steps to troubleshoot the issue.


Alfred isn't finding my Contacts, or is showing duplicates

Troubleshooting page for occasions where Alfred isn't finding your Contacts, or is finding duplicates.


Using Cmd + Space as your Alfred Hotkey

Want to use Cmd + Space as your Alfred hotkey? Find out how to make this hotkey combo available to Alfred.


Reindexing instructions for Alfred 4 & older

How to rebuild your Mac's index for older versions of Alfred


Searching Google Drive with an Alfred workflow

Take a look at the Google Drive workflow, how to set it up, build your index and use this very helpful workflow.


Minimum Requirements

Alfred 5 is supported on macOS 10.14+, in order to take advantage of Apple's latest technologies.


Alfred and OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Apple announced OS X Yosemite today. Don't worry, Alfred is here to stay - and continues to grow beautifully.


How You Use Alfred: James Bull, Design Lead at Shopify

James Bull shares his favourite workflows and how he keeps his Shopify team busy!


Appearance & Theming

Choose your Alfred theme, and change Large Type and other appearance settings


Viewing a File's Metadata

Here's how you can take a look at the metadata for a file to find out what it contains. This can help you establish why a file isn't appearing in your Alfred results.


The first typed characters of my query are missing

If you find that when pressing Cmd + Space, the first typed characters are missing from your query or the Alfred window doesn't appear the first time, there is most likely interference with the hotkey.


Contacts and Email

View your contacts' details in Alfred. You can email or call a contact, launch a map to find their address and more.


A Look At More Brilliant Workflows

Over the past few months, the Alfred community (that's you!) have created some truly brilliant workflows. We've dug up a few more gems for you to download and enjoy!


Action Modifiers: Be Clever With Quick Alternative Actions

Have you ever noticed the subtle change in subtext of a result in Alfred when you type a search term and press the Ctrl, Alt or Cmd key? Action modifiers are like tiny superpowers!


Upgrading or Installing a New OS

With macOS Sierra's release just around the corner, we wanted to share a few tips to get you up and running with Alfred as quickly as possible on a new version of Apple's operating system.


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