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Show Alfred with Alfred Remote

The "Show Alfred" action pops up Alfred's search box. You can use it simply to bring up Alfred's search box instead of your hotkey, or you can make your action even more useful with custom settings.

To use this action to show Alfred on your Mac, simply add the action. You can customise the icon and title by double-clicking to show its settings.

Remote - Show Alfred

Setting an argument

You can set this action to show Alfred with:

  • Selection in macOS: The currently highlighted text in your frontmost app on macOS will be copied to Alfred's search box
  • macOS Clipboard contents: The text in your current macOS clipboard will be copied to Alfred's search box
  • Text: You can manually set text in the Prefix field, such as the keyword for a custom search.

You can also specify the cursor position to be left or right, so that you can quickly enter text before or after the pre-determined text.

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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