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I'm seeing the "Unable to load activation data from server" error message

If you try to activate your Powerpack license and you see the error message "Unable to load activation data from server :(", here's what you should check:

1. Update to the latest version of Alfred

Launch Alfred's preferences to the Update tab and check that you're using the latest version of Alfred 3. If a newer version is available, update to it and try activating your license again.

You can also download Alfred from to get the latest version.

2. Check that you can access our website

Launch your web browser and check that you can navigate to If you're able to navigate to it, your Mac should be able to connect to our activation server too.

3. Contact us if you're still unable to activate

If you've followed the steps above and still are unable to load the activation data to allow you to activate your Powerpack, drop us an email on from your registered Powerpack email address. Contacting us from an alternative email address will result in delays.

Please click the "Copy Error" button next to the error message you're seeing and paste the results in your email, so that we can help you get up and running as quickly as possible. :)

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