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Alfred and Security

You can find Alfred's general Terms of Use and Privacy Policy here:

Alfred is Developer ID signed and notarised so every update is automatically checked by Apple.

Alfred only connects to the Internet for a few things:

  • To activate your Powerpack license.
  • To check for updates periodically. This can be disabled in the Update tab, but we don't recommend it, as it then requires that you manually check for updates regularly.
  • To integrate with the Alfred Gallery. Access to the Gallery can be disabled if required.
  • Optionally, you can set up preferences syncing (e.g. if using more than one Mac, it's a handy way to keep your preferences current on both Macs) with a service like Dropbox. By default, Alfred keeps all settings within your user account's local Library folder.

Beyond this, we don't track your searches and don't send usage data home.

Finally, if you use Alfred's Workflows feature, you may find that some workflows require network API access (e.g. Google Suggest, Amazon Suggest need to contact the relevant API to return in-line results). As workflows are user-created and editable, you can take a look at what actions the workflows are performing.

Full terms of use for Corporate Licensing can be found here:

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Discover Alfred Workflows: Design and Development

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