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"Alfred 4 needs to be updated" pop-up on macOS 12 Monterey

This page refers to macOS Monterey 12.2 and earlier

From macOS Monterey 12.3, Apple is removing Python 2. If this has an impact on the workflows you're using, take a look at our guide to updating workflows and/or your Mac.

If you've installed or updated to macOS Monterey and are an Alfred 4 Powerpack user, it's possible that you've seen a pop-up saying "Alfred 4 needs to be updated".

The short answer

You can click "OK" and forget about the pop-up; Everything will work as expected.

Alfred 4 needs to be updated popup

The longer answer

This message doesn't relate to Alfred itself, but rather to Python 2, which Alfred workflows can use. Python 2 has been deprecated but is still installed by default in macOS Monterey. This message is an advance notice that in a future version of macOS, Python 2 will no longer be bundled with the OS.

If you're a user of the workflow, click "OK"; Your workflow will continue to work, and you won't see the warning again. In the future, you'll need to update the workflows you're using which rely on Python 2.

If you're the creator of a workflow that currently uses Python 2, please consider updating your workflow in the near future so that it can continue to work seamlessly for other community members. You can find help on the Alfred Forum where our knowledgeable community will be able to guide you in updating your workflows.

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