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Powerpack Activation Troubleshooting

This page relates to Alfred 5 Powerpack licensing. If you're using Alfred 4 or earlier, please take a look at the Alfred 4 Powerpack Activation Troubleshooting page

1. Enter the correct license code

When purchasing a Powerpack license or upgrading your existing license, you'll be emailed your Alfred 5 license code.

Your Alfred 5 license code will be a block of a few lines, beginning with

--------- BEGIN ALFRED LICENSE ---------

and ending with

---------- END ALFRED LICENSE ----------

Open Alfred 5's Preferences to the Powerpack tab and paste in your license code block.

Ensure you've copied the full license; You can include or omit the BEGIN/END text, as Alfred knows to ignore them.

2. Check you're on the latest version

Under the "Update" tab, check that you're using the latest Alfred 5 update.

In the top right, you'll see a 5.x.x version number. If the Update tab shows a newer version is available, please update to it.

If you're using an older version from our website (or the Mac App Store version), go to, download and install the free version of Alfred 5. You'll then be able to go to the Powerpack tab to activate your license.

3. Check the specific activation error messages

Take a look at the specific activation error messages list below to troubleshoot the exact error message you're seeing.

4. Contacting us for license support

If you've followed the steps above and still are unable to activate your Powerpack, drop us an email on from your registered Powerpack email address. Contacting us from an alternative email address will result in delays.

Please click the "Copy Troubleshooting Info" button for the error message you're seeing and paste the results in your email, so that we can help you get up and running as quickly as possible.

Specific Activation Error Messages

Below is a list of specific error messages you might see, and what to do next.

"This is an Alfred 4/3/2 license. Click the 'Upgrade' button to visit to see your options."

Alfred has identified your license as an older Alfred license. Pop by the Powerpack upgrade page to get a current license code.

  • If you purchased your license in 2022 or are a Mega Supporter, your upgrade will be free and a new license will be issued
  • If you purchased a Single or Family license prior to 2022, you'll be eligible for a discounted upgrade to Alfred 5

"License code not valid for Alfred 5. Click the 'Upgrade' button to visit to see your options."

Alfred hasn't recognised your license, so pop by the Upgrade page to see whether your license can be upgraded.

"Unable to obtain activation data from server, make sure that you are connected to the internet."

Alfred shows this error message if it's unable to connect to our server to activate your Powerpack.

First, ensure that you're using the latest version of Alfred from our website.

If you're on a network that limits access to our server, like some corporate networks or coffee shops, you may need to try from a different internet connection. Also, if you use apps like Little Snitch that restrict your internet traffic, please allow Alfred to connect, at least temporarily, but ideally permanently to allow for future updates.

All errors relating to Corporate Licensing

Contact your license administrator, as your team's license may be out of activations, or your license details are incorrect.

We'll then be able to provide your license administrator with more information if needed.

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