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Alfred Sync Preferences Missing

In the unusual scenario where you've previously set a sync folder and it's no longer available, Alfred will show an error message to let you know that your sync location is set but the preferences file is missing.

What can cause this to happen?

1. Virtual volume mapping (e.g. Google Drive, a network drive, etc)

If you've set a virtual volume and Alfred launches before the virtual volume is resolved by macOS, the necessary preferences won't yet be available.

Quit Alfred and allow your virtual volume to be connected before re-starting Alfred.

2. Preferences have been deleted

If you run app cleaners or remove your preferences (e.g. moving the folder containing your preferences to a new location), Alfred will show you the error.

You can quit Alfred, restore your preferences to the original location and restart Alfred.

How can I resolve this?

Alfred won't change the sync location in the Advanced preferences when showing you the error message, so you'll see the error message until your issue is resolved.

You can manually review your sync folder by going to Alfred's Advanced preferences and choosing a new sync folder or, if you're happy with the non-synced location, delete the prefs.json file from the Application Support folder in your user directory:

~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/

You can find out more about Alfred's sync feature here.

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