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Copy to Clipboard Output

Using this output will copy the contents passed by your workflow to the clipboard and, optionally, paste it to the frontmost app.

You can use this object with pre-determined text and dynamic content, as well as choose to use plain text or rich text.

Copy to clipboard output

Using the Copy to Clipboard object

Here are some of the things you can include in the Copy to Clipboard output:

  • Free text typed into the Copy to Clipboard Output configuration; Plain Text or Rich Text
  • {query} to copy the argument passed into the output
  • {time}, {date} for the time and date, as well as date arithmetics
  • {cursor} to position the cursor somewhere other than the end of the pasted text
  • {clipboard} and clipboard offsets (e.g. {clipboard:2}) to paste current and past clipboard content

Use the button with the curly brackets in the bottom left of the text field to quickly add example formatting for date, time, clipboard content, random and more.

Take a look at the Dynamic Placeholders page for more details, as well as transform modifiers (uppercase, lowercase, trim, etc) you can add to your placeholders.

You can check the box at the bottom to automatically paste to the frontmost application.

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