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Image View

New in Alfred 5.5

The Image View object allows you to preview images and PDFs inside Alfred.

Pass one or more file paths into it and cycle through them with and . Use and to navigate pages within a PDF.

Using the Image View

Previewing a single file will open the image:

Previewing a single file

Previewing multiple images will including a pagination guide at the bottom of the image:

Previewing multiple images

Previewing a PDF will include a pagination guide to the side of the document:

Previewing PDF

Note: Viewing PDFs as images is useful when quickly perusing multiple files, but the PDF View is recommended for single PDFs as it’s higher performance and allows for other niceties like selecting text.

Image View shortcuts

  • Pressing o opens the current file in the default app.
  • On , with or without modifiers, its full path is sent to the next object.
  • Using 0 maximises the window and 9 toggles Zoom to Fit.

Universal Actions and the File Buffer remain accessible, as does the Quick Look preview.

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