Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred Version 3 is Coming!

This week, Alfred celebrates his 6th birthday. While eating birthday cake is always exciting, it's with even greater excitement that we can finally announce that Alfred version 3 is on the way, and we have a great deal for everyone!

The new features and improvements are shaping up beautifully; Vastly more flexible workflows, significantly improved clipboard history and snippets, and a fully overhauled theme editor, amongst the many changes you'll see.

There are also numerous improvements under the hood, ensuring Alfred runs even more smoothly as you work.


Workflows have evolved to be much more flexible, allowing you to lay out and connect objects in any way you like. We’ve added object chaining, connection filters, multi-objects selection for moving, copying and pasting, query text processing, and enhancements to many of the existing workflow objects, along with some great new ones too.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be dedicating more posts and videos to introducing these new workflow features, so that you can make the most of them without a single line of code.

Alfred version 3 - Workflows


The new intuitive theme editor makes it much quicker and easier to create themes, with per-theme blur settings, better control over spacing and borders, user-defined fonts and easier theme sharing.

Alfred version 3 - Theming

Clipboard and Snippets

The new clipboard history brings multimedia content; text, images and files. The overhauled snippets editor adds snippet collections, importing/exporting of snippet collections for easy sharing and direct access to the snippets viewer via its own hotkey.

Alfred version 3 - Multimedia Clipboard

And much, much more...

These features just scratch the surface of the wonderful changes you'll see in this new release. Version 3 will be even better and more customisable to fit the way you use your Mac, and to make you more productive than ever.

We'll be releasing more information and new sneak peeks over the coming weeks, so be sure to follow us on Twitter at @alfredapp and sign up to our newsletter (at the bottom of our website or in Alfred's General preferences).

Get Ready for Version 3

Get your hands on a great deal ahead of the version 3 release:

  • New to the Powerpack? Buy a license now and get a free upgrade to v3.

  • Bought recently? If you purchased a license in 2016, you'll also get a free upgrade to v3!

  • Got a v2 license bought before 2016? You get a great deal too! Transform your Single User license into a Mega Supporter by simply paying the difference, and get a lifetime of free upgrades!

Note: If you bought a pre-2016 Family license, don't worry, you'll also get a great upgrade deal once Alfred v3 is released.

Thank you so much for being part of the Alfred community over the past few years, and here's to many more happy years of productivity. :)

Vero & Andrew

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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