Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Tutorial: Creating the Fastest Hotkey-Based Web Search

An incredibly quick way of searching the web without re-typing your query or manually launching a search.

Beginner's Guide to Alfred: Searching your Mac and the Web

Got a friend or family member who's new to Mac? If you've been looking for an introduction to Alfred, this is the perfect "Alfred 101 Guide"!

5 Tips on Searching the Web Efficiently with Alfred

It's easy to search the web using Alfred, with web searches, custom searches, workflows and more. Take a look at 5 ways to get to the information you want even more efficiently!

Setting Up Your Own Fallback Searches

Using Alfred's fallback searches is a great way to speed up your searches by adding your most-used sites to the list of searches you see when your term doesn't match a result on your local Mac.

Alfred Productivity Tips: Using custom searches

Discover how to use web searches and create your own custom searches to become more productive with Alfred v1.

Alfred App 101: Web Searches

This short 101-style guide helps you get set up and searching with Alfred in no time.

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Search Automation Tasks in Workflows

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