Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Discover Alfred Workflows: Languages and References

Let's take a look at language and reference workflows you can keep at your fingertips, one of the many ways Alfred can help you be more efficient!

Alfred 5.1 Released: Automation Tasks, Gallery Improvements and More

Alfred 5.1 was released this week; It's a major update adding a wide range of improvements to Automation Tasks and the Alfred Gallery integration, Clipboard History and Snippets, and much more.

Bringing AI to Alfred with Chatfred

Recently, Chris Lemke released a workflow for Open AI's ChatGPT and DALL-E 2 AI models. It seemed appropriate to ask ChatGPT to tell you more about the ChatGPT workflow!

Discover How to Create Your Own Alfred Workflows

Curious about creating your own workflows but not sure where to start? We've got your covered with the built-in Getting Started Guide to Workflows and the Alfred Gallery!

Alfred Gallery: Now in Early Access!

Take a first look at the Alfred Gallery

Alfred Gallery: Submit Your Favourite Workflows

The Alfred Gallery will help you discover, install and update the amazing workflows created by the community

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