Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred in Technicolour: Your best colour themes

Since we launched the colour theming for Alfred, you've been creating a wide variety of beautiful, interesting and, in some cases, downright bizarre colour themes. It was tricky, but we picked a few of our favourite themes that you've submitted or shared.

To install: You need the Powerpack to use custom themes. Click on any of the themes' screenshots to install them on your Mac.

Your favourite websites

Daring Fireball by @GrandLarceny


Facebook theme

Mac Appstorm by @vero

Mac AppStorm theme

MacGeneration by MacGeneration

MacGeneration theme

Your favourite sports teams

Boston Bruins by @drossignol10

Boston Bruins

Toronto Raptors by @drossignol10

Toronto Raptors

Los Angeles Lakers by @drossignol10

LA Lakers

More great themes

Homebrew by @elliotlevin


Go in peace, Quicksilver by @ivanneto


Tron by @drossignol10


Cool Green by @peter_woodworth

Cool Green

Blue Light by @drossignol10

Blue light

Rockslide by @maxsteenbergen


Want to contribute your own? Leave a comment with a link to it _(Pass it through first, as WordPress disallows the alfredapp:// URI)_ or submit it to, a site by Alfred fan Olivier Guerriat.

What are the best themes you've seen? ...Or the worst ones? ;)

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Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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