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Alfred 1.3 Released: Multi-file Actions, QuickLook, Compact View and more

Today, Alfred 1.3 is available through auto-update [non-Mac App Store] and from our website with lots of lovely additions. We've been using these new features ourselves over the past few weeks and already can't live without them!

Multi-file Buffer

You can now pick multiple files directly from Finder or navigate to them in Alfred and add them to your file buffer. Once you've picked all your files, you can perform an action on all of them. With this feature in your hands, Speedy Gonzales will be left in the dust behind you!

File Buffer


You've been clamouring for QuickLook integration, and here it is.  Preview your files and documents using OS X's QuickLook by pressing Shift or ⌘Y. Simple yet so useful!

Compact View

We've added a compact view in Alfred's Appearance preferences, allowing you to make Alfred's results view smaller. Handy for users of the shiny new Retina Display MacBook Pros.

Compact Layout view

Show more results

Alfred will now show you all matched results for your Default Results searches; Just keep scrolling down for more results.

1Password improvements

We've made the very popular integration with 1Password even better, by making Alfred find and handle your 1Click bookmarks even more intelligently. You can also choose to include your 1Password bookmarks in default results without the "1p" keyword and copy the 1Click URL to clipboard with ⌘C.

And much more...

Once again, the change log for this release is pretty hefty with many more improvements and fixed, so if you're curious, grab a coffee and read all the details.


Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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