Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred 2.7.1 Released: A quick fix and a bonus feature!

We pride ourselves on new releases that are not only feature-filled but also stable and bug-free. In yesterday's release, a small issue slipped in that affected Python-based workflows specifically. As such, we're putting out a little update today to ensure that anyone using these workflows can continue to have a pleasant, smooth experience.

This release also gives you a chance to see the new update notifier, which you'll see as a little tab in the bottom left of Alfred's box. The feedback we've had so far from you is that you're as happy as we are with this new way of letting you know that there's a new Alfred update. It's a much more subtle way to be notified!

Alfred Update tab

Bonus feature: Search & sort your URL History

Did you know that Alfred can remember the URLs you've pasted in, for easy access later? You can enable this feature in Alfred's preferences under Features > Web Search > URLs / History.

While this feature has existed for a long time, we've sneaked in a super useful improvement in this release; You can now search and sort your URL history, making it even easier to locate websites you previously opened via Alfred to make it easier to remove results.

To search, use the search box to filter down your results. To sort, click on the URL or Last Accessed column header to re-organise the results.

Once you've found the URL you want, select it and hit backspace to remove a single URL, or press the minus symbol that will appear in the bottom right.

Search and sort URL history

Take a look at the change log for more detailed release notes.

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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