Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred v2.5 Released: Fully Yosemite-ready, secure searches and more

With every release, our focus is to make your everyday Alfred experience as enjoyable as possible. Alfred v2.5 contains both visible improvements and subtle tweaks; You'll find the highlights in the notes below, with more details in the change log. Ready? You can now grab the Alfred v2.5 update either through in-app update or from our website right away.

Alfred is now fully Yosemite-ready

Over the past few months, we've been keeping a close eye on the OS X 10.10 previews. Since the new Yosemite themes we've added in v2.4, we've been putting Alfred through his paces to ensure that he runs smoothly on Yosemite. As such, you can feel confident you'll be able to use Alfred right away when upgrading to Yosemite once Apple officially releases it.

Web searches (and more) are now https

If you take a look at Alfred's web searches, you'll notice that many of them are now accompanied by a green padlock. These web searches are now available as https by default, providing you with more secure searches.

default searches https

We've also switched our auto-updates to be checked and downloaded over https through our CacheFly CDN (content delivery network).

Additionally, it's now much easier to add your own custom web searches, as Alfred will handle encoding special URL characters when necessary.

Workflow improvements

Workflows are at the heart of Alfred, so we are continuously refining this extensive, highly-customisable feature. You'll find a whole heap of improvements in the change log. A few of the highlights are:

  • Performance enhancements: Numerous improvements, including change workflow input filter behaviour to prevent unnecessary script execution
  • Improve workflow behaviour when running your workflows directly (e.g. from a hotkey)
  • Title (for keyword input) and Placeholder Title (for script / file filter inputs) are now required workflow input fields to prevent confusion from blank results
  • New icons for iTunes commands
  • Updated workflow resource icons and examples to 256px for future-proofing (e.g. Alfred Remote)

You'll find many more improvements and bug fixes in the change log. We're already planning further improvements you'll love, so keep an eye on our Twitter updates for lots of good stuff and sneak previews of Alfred Remote soon!

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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