Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Release 0.6.4 Beta: More Speed & Sparkle

We've been working tirelessly on the latest few versions of Alfred, adding plenty of new functionality for your enjoyment.

View the full change log for all new features and fixes since 0.6, but here are some highlights:

  • The Sparkle update framework has been integrated for painless updating
  • New System Commands: Type "sleep", "shutdown", "screen saver", "logout", "restart", "empty trash" for quick actions
  • Completely overhauled preferences: Find and tweak Alfred preferences easily
  • Basic "Play" feature to launch music tracks in your favourite music player
  • Improved URL & character encoding to improve support for non-English users
  • Increased Alfred speed significantly (by ~365% according to our tests!), further reducing CPU load
  • Added Appsfire as a default search, enabling you to search for apps directly from Alfred

As we have completely rejigged the preferences section, this Alfred update will reset your preferences to default, so you'll need to choose your hotkey and location again. It does not affect your custom sites, however.

This is just the beginning, as we've got much more exciting stuff lined up for the next few months.

Quick tip: If you're here, you're probably a curious tinkerer, right? You can help us test Alfred pre-releases before they go out to the public by ticking the pre-releases box in the General > Updates tab within the preferences section.

Alfred pre-release checkbox

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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