Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

The Powerpack & 0.7 beta now available

Following a solid week of testing and tweaking, the Powerpack was released for general availability on Monday. The feedback we received from you has been mindblowingly positive and you seem to be having as much fun using the new features as we are.

For those who missed the details of the 0.7 release, you can find out more on our redesigned website. There, you can still download the core Alfred app for free as well as buy the Powerpack.

We're listening: Alfred Forum

Until now, we mostly dealt with support questions either over Twitter, where answering a question in 140 characters was sometimes tricky, or by email.

To help you find answers to your questions when we've got our heads down developing new features, and to give us somewhere to answer your questions properly, we launched a Get Satisfaction forum. (Update: You'll find the new forum at

There are already some great conversations going, like "What is your favourite custom search in Alfred?", so what are you waiting for? Join with your Twitter, Google or OpenID. It takes two seconds and you'll be in good company, we promise!

What's coming next

What? Did you really think we were going to kick back and relax now?

There are a few small bugs which we're tackling for 0.7.1, but mainly, we're looking at further feature improvements. In particular, iTunes will be much improved, with support for playlists and NAS drives (Network Attached Storage, in other words, hard drives on your network but not attached to your computer directly).

We're also starting to plan 3rd party integrations and the plugin architecture. In the future, this plugin architecture will enable you to write your own plugins for Alfred, extending it to do anything you like.

On that note, we're putting a call out for a developer who can create a plugin for Alfred to make Hannah a sandwich. ;)

Overall, our users have been brilliant over the recent weeks, providing us with tons of helpful feedback during pre-release and since general availability. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped us spread the word about Alfred - we couldn't do it without you!

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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