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How You Use Alfred: Hundreds of Tips from Podcasts and Blogs

We love seeing Alfred community members get excited about productivity on Twitter, on their blogs and in videos or podcasts. Sure, we enjoy sharing our own tips and tricks, but it's even better to read or hear yours.

David & Rosemary's Automators Podcast

Automators Podcast logo

You may already know long-time host of the Mac Power Users podcast, David Sparks (aka MacSparky). He also co-hosts a podcast called Automators in collaboration with Rosemary Orchard. A few weeks ago, they dedicated episode 76: Automating with Alfred to covering in incredible depth the many ways they use Alfred.

Rosemary's tips are:

"Set your shortcut to CMD+Space and replace Spotlight, look for Alfred workflows for the apps you use every day, and explore the settings!

Alfred has lots of features, try Clipboard History, Snippets, 1Password integration, or anything else that catches your eye."

Snazzy Labs

Quinn Nelson, also known as Snazzy Labs, has been publishing honest tech reviews on YouTube since 2008. We should know; Quinn was one of the very first people to ever review Alfred in video form in 2010! Eleven years on, he reviews his favourite Mac Apps, saying:

"This is the one app I truly cannot use a Mac without. It is the best Mac app ever made, and it's the first app I install on every new Mac."

Gosh, you're making us blush!

Chris Messina & Aron at Automate All The Things

Chris Messina, who introduced the world to the hashtag, has shared his enthusiasm for Alfred all over the web, most recently chatting with Aron Korenblit of Automate All The Things, as well as sharing his own workflow and themes.

The Productivity Shop

Luke Carter from The Productivity Shop also covers in great detail how he uses Alfred, "one of the building blocks of his workflows". He dedicates the first half of his video to the core (non-Powerpack) features, and the second half to Powerpack features, so it's a great intro to share with a friend or colleague new to Alfred.

Ali Abdaal

And finally, Ali Abdaal, a Cambridge University medicine graduate, certainly wins the prize of most unusual description, calling Alfred "the lubricating jelly to his Mac life" in his Favourite Mac Apps in 2020 video. 😆

If you've written or shared how you use Alfred, be sure to tweet us @alfredapp to let us know. Happy reading, listening and watching!

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