Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred turns 3 years old today - and v2 is just around the corner!

Happy birthday Alfred

Get the balloons, the cake and the candles out - it's Alfred's third birthday today!

Some days, it feels like Alfred's been around forever; When your muscle memory kicks in to try to Cmd + Space even on someone else's computer. Other days, it seems it was only yesterday we launched the first v.0.4 beta.

Three years from launch, Alfred v2 is just around the corner. We are currently polishing and adding final touches to your new and significantly improved personal butler. It's with great excitement that we can say we are now hoping to have Alfred v2 in your hands within 3 weeks from today! :)

Don't forget that if you buy the Powerpack now, you miss the queues and get a free v2 upgrade. Existing single license users can upgrade to a Mega Supporter, with other upgrade types coming soon.

If you are a Mega Supporter (or you upgrade now), you can help test the v2 beta to get an early look at the amazing new v2 features!

Thank you to all our v2 beta testers, and to everyone who has adopted Alfred since 2010!

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Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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