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Getting Work Done with Slack, GitHub and Pinboard

Working smart is not the same as working hard. Alfred workflow creators know the difference, and have created some fantastic workflows to give you that extra efficiency boost when using teamwork tools.

Note: These workflows were created in 2014, and may no longer be supported on more recent versions of Alfred. Always check Alfred forum for workflows and help using them.

If you're not yet familiar with workflows, you'll need a Powerpack license to take advantage of this, as well as many other of Alfred's great range of features.



Slack is a team communication platform, and is quickly gaining popularity with teams where staff members might not be working in the same office yet need to keep in contact. The Slackfred workflow by Frank Spinillo allows you to search for files added by your team, usernames and room names. It lets you quickly set your presence as "active" or "away" and more.

It simply requires an API token, and you're up and running with no further setup. If you're an everyday Slack user, download the workflow from Packal.



GitHub needs little introduction for developers; It's the favourite code management platform for millions of users. While working on your own software, or even your latest Alfred workflow, you may end up with quite a few code repositories. This workflow also uses an API token to get you started.

With this handy workflow by Edgar Suarez, you can quickly search through your GitHub repositories and open them.

In fact, there are many GitHub workflows on Packal, of various degrees of complexity, so if you have a different task in mind, take a look. You might find a suitable time-saving workflow for your needs, or be able to fork an existing one to turn it into your perfect workflow!



Pinboard is a bookmarking service, superbly useful for saving and tagging links to documentation you'll need in the future.

This Pinboard workflow, created by Carlos A. Sztoltz, allows you to search, add and delete Pinboard bookmarks. Enter your API token and the workflow will cache your bookmarks locally for quick access.

Custom searches for your bug tracker of choice

If you're using a web-based bug tracker, it's likely that you can also use a custom search. Whether it's JIRA, Bugzilla or any of the dozens of bug trackers out there, many will allow you to create a simple keyword-based search. Add it in Alfred's preferences, under Features > Web Search, by clicking "Add custom search" or learn how to create your own custom searches with this tutorial.

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For a pleasing look and quick access using a hotkey, I transformed the custom search into a simple hotkey-based workflow:

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Many of the workflows above can be downloaded on Packal, where you can find many more excellent productivity boosters. In fact, as of today, there are over 375 workflows on Packal, as well as over 70 colour themes you can import with one click. If you've created something useful, you can also submit your own as a contributor.

Got any questions about creating workflows? Let us know on Twitter (@alfredapp) so that future tutorials can cover the topics that interest you the most! :)

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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