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Alfred 4.5 Released: Universal Actions, a Whole New Way to Use Alfred

Alfred 4.5 is an exciting milestone, bringing you a whole new way to use Alfred!

With the new Universal Actions feature, you can select text in your browser, a URL in an email or a file on your Desktop and pop up Alfred's Actions panel to choose what to do with your content. Start anywhere and jump into action.

Universal Actions preferences

Alfred includes over 60 default actions, such as copying to your Clipboard, saving as a Snippet, searching the web, showing recent documents for an app or extracting URLs from a block of text.

Depending on the result type you're showing Actions for, Alfred will intelligently narrow down the list to show relevant actions. For example, when you choose a file or a block of text, you only see the actions that can be used on that item type.

You can access Universal actions from:

  • Your Alfred results, including File Navigation and Clipboard History, where you can use the right arrow (or your own set Actions shortcut) to show the list of available actions
  • From your Desktop or anywhere on your Mac, by selecting a file, URL or some text and using your Actions hotkey
  • From within a workflow, using the Action in Alfred object

Over the next few days, we'll share a few ways to interact with Universal Actions, including integrating them with your workflows.

You can grab the latest release in Alfred 4's Update tab, or by downloading it from Curious to see everything that's been added? Take a look at the change log for the full list of new features and improvements.

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