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9 Alfred Features You Might Not Know Exist Yet

Lately, I've seen a few tweets from Alfred users who discovered a feature they hadn't tried before, and immediately found their discovery life-changing. We always get a kick out of your friendly tweets, the best of which we add to our favourites.

Whether you're new to Alfred or have been a power user for years, take a look at the great tips from recent tweets. A number of these features are available in the core version of Alfred, available for free, and Powerpack-only features are denoted with [P].

Weather web search

It's unavoidable, the whole northern hemisphere is hurtling towards winter. Find your local weather by typing "weather" followed by your location and see whether you should dig out your hat and mittens or reach for the shorts and sandals one last time. (hey, let me dream a little!)

I just found the "Weather for…" tool in @alfredapp. If you use a Mac you HAVE to get this application - your life becomes so much easier!!!


File Buffer [P]

I've been using @alfredapp for years, but I just tried the file buffer for the first time: Very useful!


A lesser known feature, the File Buffer allows you to stack up files before taking action on all of them at once. Especially handy to move multiple files to Dropbox in a single action, for example.

It's never too late to learn how to use the File Buffer!

Alfred's built-in Calculator

I think I just blew everyone’s mind using @alfredapp to do math without starting the calculator app.


Simple, yet effective.


@alfredapp happy little discovery; search for a document > highlight > press shift = Quick Look! You’re awesome, thanks! : )


Quick way to check you've found the right file. Particularly useful when looking at obscurely named screenshots!

Force Quit keyword

Force Quit XYZ…another @alfredapp feature I couldn’t do without.


System Commands are a brilliantly handy way to control your Mac.

Clipboard History & Merging [P]

Even if you're aware of Clipboard History, it bears repeating.

Thank you @alfredapp for saving me 20mins of work. Deleted something and was freaking out…remembered it was in my clipboard history!


But you might not yet have discovered clipboard merging, a handy way to append a copied item to the previous one.

.@alfredapp: Clipboard Merging just made me cry tears of joy! :) ⌘ + C, C is #brilliant. #productivity #mac #OSX


1Password bookmarks integration [P]

oooh, @alfredapp with powerpack and @1Password play together very nicely, very nicely indeed. Should have bought the powerpack years ago


Terminal commands [P]

the feature I use most in @alfredapp is ctrl+space to open Alfred, ‘>some terminal command’ - pops open terminal and runs it


Put your sunglasses on and you'll feel like you're in a scene out of Hackers.

Large Type

And finally, this is truly technology at work.

When my wife is watching TV on her MacBook Pro with headphones, I communicate using @alfredapp’s large-type (⌘L) feature from across room.


Use Cmd + L to show text in large type on your screen, whether it's a contact's phone number, the result of a calculation or asking your other half whether they want pizza for dinner.

I can't help but finish this post by giving a huge shout out to all the lovely +38,400 people who follow us on Twitter and make us smile every day!

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