Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred 5.1 Released: Automation Tasks, Gallery Improvements and More

Alfred 5.1 was released this week; It's a major update adding a wide range of improvements to Automation Tasks and the Alfred Gallery integration, Clipboard History and Snippets, and much more.

You can update to Alfred 5.1 from the Update tab in the preferences, or download it from

Automation Tasks Auto-Updater

Automation Tasks make it effortless to perform a wide variety of tasks; From changing your wallpaper or opening a new Safari tab to moving windows and converting dates and times.

There are over 150 tasks currently available already, which can be used as building blocks to create more complex workflows without writing a single line of code!

To support this, we've added the ability to keep these Automation Tasks auto-updated; In Workflows > Alfred Gallery > Automation Tasks Options..., check the box next to "Automatically keep Automation Tasks up to date" to ensure you always have the most recent version.

Automation Tasks Auto-Updater

If you're a workflow creator, you can also add the Automation Tasks to the Palette to make them easier to add to your own workflows; They'll then be included in the Palette search results for fast access.

The Workflow Gallery is Growing

The Alfred Gallery now contains more than 150 curated workflows and continues to grow with so many more to be added. Be sure to check out the Gallery and grab some new favourites!

Take a look at the Change Log for the full list of changes and improvements in this release.

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