Alfred 5.5 is here - Find out what's new

Alfred 5.5 Released: Exciting New Workflow Views for Richer Interactions

Alfred 5.5 is now available, with the huge exciting addition of the Grid, Text, Image and PDF views that bring your Alfred results to life in a whole new way!

You can take a look at what's new in Alfred 5.5 in more details here.

Download Alfred 5.5 from or update in-app from the Update tab. Once you've installed the update, take a look at some of the new workflows that take advantage of the new Views:

ChatGPT / DALL-E Integration

Have a conversation with ChatGPT and create images using DALL-E, OpenAI's AI models.

Download the ChatGPT / DALL-E workflow

DALL-E 3 image of a cat on a rooftop looking over a city at night

Test your brain with the Memory Pairs game

How many moves will it take you to match all of the robots, or wizards and fairies?

Download the Memory Pairs game workflow

Memory Pairs game

Thumbnail Navigation

Navigate your Mac's files and browse documents and images with handy preview thumbnails.

Download the Thumbnail Navigation workflow

File Navigation workflow with images and files

Make the most of the new Views objects

Community members have already started taking advantage of the Grid View, Text View, Image View and PDF View in their workflows.

If you're a workflow creator sharing your workflows or looking for help, join us on the Alfred Forum where our community members are always there to share ideas.

Latest Blog Post:

Video Tutorial: Using Web Searches and Creating Custom Searches in Alfred

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