Alfred Cheatsheet
This cheatsheet covers the default hotkeys, keywords and shortcuts for Alfred's features. Hotkeys in green are part of Powerpack features.
Note that, if you have changed hotkeys and keywords away from defaults, you'll need to refer to your own Alfred preferences to find out what they are.
Clever Question Mark: In Alfred, type
or the question mark followed by the name of a feature, workflow, snippet, custom search, etc to bring up the relevant results.
↩ Return
⇧ Shift
⌃ Control
⌥ Option
⌘ Command
⎋ Escape
Basic Hotkeys
⌥ spacebar Show Alfred
↓ Select the next item in the list
↑ Select the previous item in the list
↩ Action the currently selected item
⌘ # Action the # item directly [1-9]
⌘ o Open file or application in default application
⌘ , Open Alfred Preferences
⌥ ↩ Search the currently typed query in Finder
⌃ ↩ Search the currently typed query in default web search
⌘ ↩ Reveal in Finder (if the result is a local file)
⌥ ⌘ \ Show list of available Actions for selection
⇧ / ⌘Y Preview in Quick Look
⎋ Hide Alfred, or go back if in a stacked view
⌘ ⎋ Hide Alfred, ignoring stacked views
⌘ 0 Dynamically toggle maximum height in select views, such as the Grid View
⌘ + Zoom In in select views, such as the PDF View
⌘ - Zoom Out in select views, such as the PDF View
Launch applications
app name To launch an application, start typing its name and hit ↩
preferences Open Alfred Preferences
Search the web
google, wiki, ... Use predefined web search keywords
Find files quickly
open Follow keyword with a search term to open a file
spacebar Follow a space with a search term to open a file
find Follow keyword with a search term to reveal a file in the Finder
in Follow keyword with a search term to look for a file by contents
tags Follow keyword with a search term to look for a file by tags
Speed up your Mac productivity
define Follow keyword by a word and get a definition
spell Follow keyword by a word and see results with suggested spelling
13*567 Type a calculation into main window to get the result
= Start an advanced calculation (enable this function in the Calculator Preferences)
screensaver Start Screen Saver
trash Show Trash
emptytrash Empty Trash
logout Log Out
sleep Sleep your Mac
sleepdisplays Sleep your Mac's displays
lock Lock your Mac
restart Restart your Mac
shutdown Shut Down your Mac
eject Eject removable media or mounted volumes
ejectall Eject all removable media or mounted volumes
hide Hide the running application
quit Quit the running application
quitall Quit all running applications
forcequit Force Quit the running application
volup Increase volume
voldown Decrease volume
mute Toggle mute
Work with files and applications
~ Navigate to your home folder
/ Navigate to the root folder
⌥ ⌘ / Go to last browsed path in the File System Navigation
previous Go to last browsed path in the File System Navigation
→ / fn / ⌃ Show list of available Actions for selected item in File System Navigation
⌘ ↓ Browse selected folder in File System Navigation
↩ Enter a folder in File System Navigation
backspace Go up a folder in File System Navigation
⇥ Autocomplete
. Show hidden files in File System Navigation
⌥ ↓ Add to the File Buffer and move to the next item
⌥ ↑ Add or remove item from the File Buffer
⌥ ← Remove last item from the File Buffer
⌥ → Action all items in the File Buffer
Tip: start typing the name of a folder/file to select it
Save your clips
Clipboard History and Snippets are Powerpack features.
⌥ ⌘ c Open Clipboard History viewer
⌘ c Copy selected clip to current Clipboard
snip Access snippets from main Alfred window with this keyword
clear Use keyword to clear Clipboard History for 5 or 15 minutes, or clear fully
⌘ s While in the Clipboard Viewer, save current clip as a snippet
Fn Backspace Delete the selected entry
Listen to Music
The Music Mini Player is a Powerpack feature.
These keywords must be used while the Mini Player is showing. Set up Music workflows to add keywords to your default results or global hotkeys.
⌃ ⌘ ↩ Show the Music Mini Player
music Use keyword to show the Music Mini Player
⌃ ⌘ ↓ Play / Pause
play / pause Play / Pause keywords
⌃ ⌘ → Next Track
next Next Track
⌃ ⌘ ← Back Track
back Back Track
previous Previous Track
⌃ ⌘ ↑ Play Random Album
random Play Random Album
volmax Maximum volume
volmid Half volume
mute Mute volume
⌃ ⌘ [0-5] Rate currently playing song from 0 to 5 stars
backspace Go up a folder in Music Mini Player
⌘ r Reindex Music library
Email and keep contacts
Contacts and Emailing is a Powerpack feature.
email Use keyword followed by name or email address to send an email using your default email client
Tip: If you open Address Book entries within Alfred, you can action individual fields (e.g. pressing return on an email Address will launch a new email to this address, etc)
Discover how to navigate the Workflow Editor with hotkeys and shortcuts.
Every workflow has its own set of keywords and arguments, so have a look at the workflow's own documentation for details. You'll either find the documentation within the content of the workflow or on the creator's own website.
You can also type your keyword or part of the hotkey into the Workflows search to find them more easily!